Living ancestors not last generation

These are troubling times where the rise of right wing politics in power. Wars. Genocides. Things that are not new but have been ever rising.

In Germany the AFD was voted and the majority of voters were 20-30 year old. The generation that even studies have shows is losing hope. There are climate activist who call their activism The last generation. which I feel is the same strategy the right wing uses it works on human fear. Where there is fear there is no hope, no resilience, no sustainable change.

I see us as Living ancestors and not the last generation. As a mother of two kids I have never been more motivated to fight for justice. My kids have made me want to play my role in creating a just world not for me or them only but for the generations to come.

I feel when we work on this strategy of creating urgency through fear and hate there is rise of extreme right wing action.

If white activist go on the streets, come in the media as the last generation fighting for climate change what are they showing the world. That white folks are in danger. When white people feel in danger they will change and save themselves. That is again to me a very racist and oppression enabling activism.

When a flight is going to crash- you are in danger- you are asked to put your own oxygen mask first and then help others. Let’s be clear the others here will be first the privileged white, then the marginalised white, then the non confirming white, then the white passing, then the privileged bipoc, then …. you get the queue…

So how is the last generation actually promoting separation?

Are you questioning why there are 20/30 year olds voting for Nazis

While some other 20 somethings are on the streets calling themselves the last generation trying to save the world?

And who will be saved in the world? if the planet crashes who gets offered the oxygen masks?


Bridging cultures. What is culture?


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