A five part integration series after the Yoga & cultural appropriation workshop. In each 2.5 hour session, we practice and reflect on Allyship, Brave spaces, Collective healing and change, Dharma & Ethics of yoga teacher.

Learn from principles of Yoga, Ayurveda & Dismantling racisms to create room where everyone is free to breathe, move and live joyfully. This series is also a practice of Svadhyaya, self- study for our personal practice and actions and offerings.

we will cover these topics and much more!

session 1: Allyship

Taking conscious action. Reflecting on your power, privilege and role. Building Relationship (Maitri), partnerships and ally ship with love & compassion (karuna).

session 4: SvaDharma -Individual role & responsibilities

Learning about your personal Dharma and role. With guidance from the Bhagvad Gita and Samkhya Karika.

session 5: Ethics in yoga

Ethics of a yoga teacher. How we make and take space. Are we enabling white supremacy with our actions and offerings. Ethical marketing.

Next Series dates 2025 april- june (5 thursdays)+ 1:1 Einzelstunde. Donnerstag 18.30-21.00

session 3: collective change & healing

Collective healing require individual intuition. We practice collectively and heal individually.

session 2: Brave Spaces

Learning to create brave spaces. Where every body feels welcome, invited and free. Practice listening to understand and also develop an intuition. Learn to unlearn implicit, unconscious bias.

Sangeeta hatte während der Weiterbildung die Fähigkeit uns auf eine warme und klare Weise unsere Verantwortungen aufzuzeigen. Ins Handeln zu kommen bedeutet im Yoga dann aus sich heraus mit allem was ist in Aktion zu treten. Den Skill in action bringen. Die Themen aus deinen Weiterbildungen sind nochmal richtig präsent. Ich bringe die andauernd ein und merke wie stark mich das alles noch beschäftigt. Danke dir nochmal für deine Kraft diesen Weg zu gehen und für das Wissen und deine Erfahrungen, die du zur Verfügung stellst. 

— Clara M


A total of 12.5 hours of continued education.

Standard PRICE Community price SOlidarity Price

Inclusive Taxes

Payment plans available. Please do not hesitate to ask if needed.

350 250 450


Reach out to ask to get a quote
for a group session and /or a customized workshop.