Returning home. returning to wholeness.

Landed in India 10 days ago. It has been a real mix of magic and overwhelm. In the first week I had a lot of things to organise and unnecessary obstacles that were really taking up a lot of energy. It did not feel like a holiday. I was again so aware that I do not have any family to support me in India anymore. But at the same time I was receiving sudden unexpected support from complete strangers. Or from old friends. Reminding me that I am not alone. my ancestors are supporting me. the spirits are guiding me. I just need to trust and not respond or react out of fear and overwhelm. The obstacles were also enabling me to stop and slow down. Even though India is where I grew up I haven’t been here in 5 years and the last time I was in Tamil Nadu was in 2011. That is 12 years ago.

Slowing down meant I could take time to brush through the rich library in sriram’s home. Be inspired and reminded of the abundance and wisdom I have around me.

I am talking in Tamil everywhere. Even though I am not fluent in it I keep speaking it. Even though the city is new to me it instantly felt like home.

The colours. the faces. the food. the smell. the rain. even the mosquitoes :)


Tagesspiegel berlin


Bridging cultures. What is culture?